
A little bit about me

I’m 19 years old and a second year BSIT student. Finding out that websites are made with HTML and CSS got me excited about web development. That made me really interested in computers and programming.

Right now, I’m learning ReactJS and getting better at front-end skills with TailwindCSS and NextJS. Before my second year starts, I want to get better at C++ and be ready for my Database subject. Even though I mostly focus on front-end development, I also want to try back-end development someday.


Featured skills

HTMLCSSJavaScriptC++PHPMysqlTailwindCSSMobile ResponsiveVisual BasicGitGitHub


  1. Freshmen BSIT

    In my first year, I learned the basics of computing, programming, and networking.

  2. Grade 12 TVL-ICT

    Graduated with honors from Santa Rosa National High School. Focused on ICT, emphasizing web development and programming. Grateful to Mr. Rey Laura, my major subject teacher, for his guidance.

  3. Grade 11 TVL-ICT

    Studied hardware basics online at Zamblaes National High School despite challenges of the online setup.

  4. Grade 10 ICT

    Discovered my passion for computers at Locloc National High School, sparking my interest in information technology.